BEHOLD ... THE F U T U R E Today ...
Purpose built Air diffusers optimize airflow resulting in a quantum leap fusion of engineered design & cool green technology
The Aerodynamic Splash Guard™ REVɸLUTION has begun ...
From concept in 1985 (1s't of 7 subsiquent international IP'S ) to commercial reality in 2001 Vortex's award winning proprietary ventilated flow through porous mudflap™ represented an historical quantum leap forward as the first ever intelligent ; fuel saving, low drag, high performance Smart Mudflap™ . Protection , not only for your ride or cargo, but for people & planet . From Aero -hybrid Semi's & Trailers to tuners & pickups, until now if you wanted protection you sacrificed looks, performance &
traction... less spray and drag not only means a leaner, cleaner ride, safer roads & FE savings but, as in racing; max air flow and spray dispersion results in ultimate; traction, brake and tire performance !
The dawn of the fuel saving, ventedmudflap™ delivered the 1st ever commercially engineered
'' Safety & Sustainability '' Splash Guard solution ...
Truckers, don't be fooled by fly swatter imitations who claim to spray down yet own video demo proves opposite. Logic follows that road; tar, paint and sandblasting road grime flows the same path as spray. Watch the video. If its impossible for a fly swatter to protect a "pick-ups" body or Xtreme toys they haul ( explains why never offered for tow guards or autos ) then how people following an 18 wheel SEMI Trailer? Shouldn't the mind -bending question then be, who are they kidding ?
Vortex vs 'the swatter's'' Srpay Demo's. (click)...

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